Headshot of an East Asian woman with short black hair, wearing a blue turtleneck sweater, against a plain grey background.


December 2024 - Will be attending the CCC workshop on Supporting At-Risk
Users through Responsible Computing in Washington DC

August 2024 - Excited to be attending the CSCW Doctoral Consortium! Read my DC work here.

March 2024 - Paper on understanding ableist hate and harassment is fully accepted to CHI24!

September 2023 - Started a student researcher position at Google, working with Sunny Consolvo

February 2023 - Paper on voice Assistant use by older adults accepted to CHI 23


Hi there! I am an Information Science PhD Candidate @Cornell Tech co-advised by Shiri Azenkot and Aditya Vashistha.

I research and design technology to support digital safety for all. As a Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researcher, I employ mixed methods—such as surveys, interviews, and focus groups—to investigate online harms and design technological interventions to mitigate harm towards historically marginalized communities.

My dissertation is at the intersection of online safety and accessibility, with a focus on combating ableism on social media platforms. This includes examining disability-related discrimination by other users and how platforms facilitate and exacerbate such harmful experiences. I am currently investigating how platform moderation can mitigate the harm of viewing ableist text. I hope to reimagine a more inclusive digital space with and for the disability community.

My work has been supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, Cornell’s First Year Fellowship, and the Digital Life Initiative Doctoral Fellowship.

Prior to Cornell, I’ve received my bachelor’s in Human Centered Design and Engineering @University of Washington. There, I worked with Julie Kientz and Alexis Hiniker on research related to child-computer interactions & health. Then, I spent a year on the research team @AT&T working on entertainment products.

Let’s chat more about ableism, platform moderation, and online safety! Feel free to reach out via ssh247 (at) cornell.edu and connect with me on Twitter!